Fire Department History

Green Township Fire Department
Green Township Fire Department was first started when a group of men gathered and decided that the township people needed to be on call to one another in case there was a fire. This was in 1973. Harold Patchel, a Green Township resident, led the charge being a retired fire chief from downstate. He had moved to Green Township upon his retirement, so he set up and helped train the department. The first truck was purchased by the Green Township Board from Long Rapids Township Board and stored at Sumerix Implement. As the department grew, they needed a building. The Township purchased 10.33 acres of property at the corner of M-65S and Moore’s Landing Road for $7,000 and decided to build.
It was located at the corner of M-65 South and Moore’s Landing Road as to be somewhat centrally located in the township. Members and volunteers donated most of the labor. There were 2 doors originally built on the fire hall for equipment to come in and out of. Then an addition of three doors were added for more equipment. In 2000, a cold storage lean-to area was added on. Below is a picture and article from the Alpena News in 1976.

The first Fire Chief was Bob Hollenback. Fire chiefs over the years were Ray Weideman, Terry Dickinson, Daryl Barton, Louis Zbytowski, Bill Manning Jr., Tom Kane, Matt Cohoon, and currently, Tim Wade. Picture of first trucks are following: If anyone can identify them, please let us know.