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Tammy Bates


Tammy Bates Trustee

I serve as a trustee of Green Township and have served in that capacity since 2006 (17 years).  I was born in Alpena County and lived most of my life in as a Green Township resident.  Besides being raised in Green Township, we continue to live here.  My husband and I built a home in the township in 2001.  I love to help in planning for our community and keeping it the rural farm area that people love.  I have enjoyed projects such as redoing the inside of the township hall and writing grants to build the pavilion, add picnic tables, the basketball court, swings, slide and all of the items we have added to the recreation facility which we offer to all of the residents. 

I have enjoyed working with the County of Alpena on a joint partnership in cleaning up and writing grants for Manning Hill Roadside Park.  It is a great piece of history for our township.  I take pride in the area and offer my knowledge to enhance the care and pride of the community.  If you have any questions, please contact me at or by phone 989-590-2400.