Treasurer’s Corner

The Treasurer’s Corner is where I will post the yearly tax bill due dates and information, I get asked concerning tax bills. Please check here before emailing or calling.
Assessing Information
You can download homestead forms, land division applications, and property transfer affidavits, and look up property assessment information by property address or parcel ID number. Please visit if there are questions regarding information on the website or technical information, Inquiries will be handled by email only. Email to:
Change of Address
If your mailing address has changed, please notify the Equalization Department of your new address. Without this information, we are not able to send you your tax bill, assessment notices, and any correspondence that may be needed on a timely basis. Their address is listed below:
Alpena County Equalization
720 W. Chisholm
Alpena, MI 49707
(989) 354-9560
Assessment Forms
Any taxpayer that needs to file the following forms: Principal Residency Exemption Affidavits, principal Residency Exemption Rescind, Agriculture Exemption Forms, Property Transfer Affidavits, Personal property Statements, March Board of Review protests. Please do so at the following address: P. O. Box 25 Rogers City, MI 49779.
Property Transfers
Whenever real property is transferred between owners the homestead exemption is lost. You must notify the assessor of changes so the correct paperwork can be implemented.
Important Tax Collection Information
Summer taxes become delinquent on September 15th. After September 15th, penalties on summer taxes are payable to the Township Treasurer until March 1st and are assessed at 1% per month.
Winter taxes are due December 1st to and including February 14th without penalty. After February 14th, penalties on winter taxes are payable to the Township Treasurer until March 1st and a 3% penalty may be added to the base tax.
On March 1st all unpaid taxes are turned over to the County and must be paid at the County Treasurer’s office. Beginning March 1st an administration fee of 4% or $1.00 minimum will be mandatory and interest of 1% per month will be added for each month of delinquency.
- Please DO NOT combine delinquent summer tax payments with your winter tax payments.
- Office hours by appointment ONLY. Dropbox is provided for your convenience.
- If you require an official treasurer’s receipt, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.
- Taxpayers are responsible for notifying the township treasurer’s office of address changes as mail forwarding only lasts 12 months.
To avoid unnecessary fees, fines, and/or penalties, please contact the Zoning and Building Administrators to obtain the proper permits before starting construction on any new or existing structures.
State Tax Commission Affidavit for Disabled Veterans Exemption Form must be filed annually with the supervisor or assessing officer any time after December 31st and before the December Board of Review. Please see the online form for details at
Application for Deferment for Summer Taxes is filed with the township treasurer. You may file your intent to defer before September 15th. Please see the online form for details at
The deadline for Principal Residence Exemptions (PRE) is June 1st for the summer bill and November 1st for the winter bill.
Routine property visits are performed by the Green Township Assessor’s office to maintain the integrity of the property tax system. It is important to have accurate information because many agencies rely on their records. If you prefer to decline, please advise the Assessor’s office in writing. Please note that any visit will require an exterior inspection only.
Watch for your assessment change notice in February. Board of review meetings for assessment protests are held in March.